We are living in an era of information overload, where there is an overabundance of information, yet at the same time, it’s hard to ascertain what’s credible and what’s not. Technology changes rapidly, and innovation is on the rise. How can we educate ourselves to know:
(1) What products are available on the market? (2) What solutions to search for?
(3) Which technology trends will be long-lasting, and which ones will become fads?
Whether it’s developing a more compelling IoT strategy, creating new streams of revenue, or educating on the latest trends and global best practices, Avrohom challenges his audiences to reimagining their own mission and vision, delivering actionable insights and leaving his audiences inspired, passionate, motivated, and with the necessary tools to take action.
Governments, Manufacturers, and Enterprise audiences receive cutting edge applicable and actionable insights. Avrohom delivers strategies filled with customized and meaningful use cases for his specific audience while his delivery is infused with the high energy and often humorous anecdotes you’ve come to expect from a seasoned professional and keynote speaker.
Avrohom has over 20 years of corporate, telecom, and technology experience to assist you in perfecting your IoT strategy, to take your business to the next level of performance.
Session Title: Global Smart Home, Smart Enterprise, and Smart City Internet of Things (IoT) Use Cases: A First-Hand Look at the Current Best Practices in countries around theworld.
Description: Every new device now seems to be “smart.” Commercial or consumer; factory, home, or street corner; equipment, machines, appliances, electronics, databases, and software are all now connected to the internet. Whether you now have, will soon have, or aren’t quite convinced you want to
have smart devices, this session is designed to help you the decision-maker become competent, confident, and comfortable when creating or overseeing the creation of the IoT strategy for your enterprise, city, or country.
Avrohom will focus on the three most important, and fastest-growing areas of IoT: smart homes, smart enterprises, and smart cities. He will share specific use cases from companies around the world to give you the actionable insights you need to chart the course for your organization. IoT use cases may include [customer approvals pending at time of writing]:
water, power, waste, lighting, healthcare, military, transportation, customs and immigration, warehousing, retail, entertainment, consumer appliances and electronics, and manufacturing equipment.
Key Takeaway #1: What the consumer (CIoT), industrial (IIoT), and government (GIoT) best practices are for IoT in Israel, the United States, and other countries around the world.
Key Takeaway #2: How the most innovative global corporate and government leaders are using IoT to increase revenues, decrease costs, increase quality, increase efficiency, reduce waste, differentiate products, serve citizens, delight customers, reduce injuries, and yes, save lives
Key Takeaway #3: Why natural language messaging – for human to machine (H2M) and machine to human (M2H) communications – trumps both voice and separate apps
Topic: IoT Strategies and Business Models
Session Type: Customer Success Story (Use Case)
Audience Profile: CXO’s
Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States